Spirit Earth Healing
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A great soul, with a great purpose, can make a weak body strong and keep it so.
—Mark Twain

What Energy Healing Can Do For You

You don't need to have a physical or emotional impairment to experience results with energy work. Everyone can benefit from this form of healing. In our era of fast foods, 10-minute working lunches, and weekend warrior maneuvers, it's not uncommon to find imbalances in people's energy fields.

We've all experienced emotional traumas, usually from childhood, that tend to linger in our lives. Energy healing can help you free yourself from some of these patterns.

Certain forms of energy healing have been documented to heal acute physical injuries, illnesses and chronic disease. Advanced treatments have been used for many common ailments involving the immune system, the heart and circulatory system, respiratory ailments, muscular disorders, even tumors, cancer, and others.

Typically, Energy Healing is effective for situations such as:

  • reducing chronic pain from fibromyalgia, burn recovery, cancer, HIV-AIDS
  • traumatic injuries, such as broken bones, lacerations, burns, etc.
  • arthritis
  • releasing stagnant energy in your body and organs
  • cleansing and detoxifying your system
  • releasing emotional blockages resulting from stress, distress or trauma
  • enhancing physical sensitivity
  • revitalizing your body
  • improving circulation
  • boosting your immune system
  • providing greater overall health

Energy healing is not only effective on the physical body but the emotional and spiritual bodies as well. Different forms of energy work offer different benefits. The best way to determine if energy healing will work for your specific circumstances is to discuss your situation with a competent healer.

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The best way to find yourself is to lose youself in the service of others. —Mahatma Gandhi


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